FLASH SALE February 14 – 17
We have got a treat for you this Valentine’s Day! Our Arrow Video titles are now only $£3.99 on AppleTV – perfect for a horror movie marathon! So why not give yourself a spooky Valentine’s Day celebration? Our special flash sale starts on the 14th of February and ends on the 17th of February, so […]

Vote for the Best of 2024
With 2024 coming to an end, the time has come to look back at the year and unleash our annual Arrow End of Year Poll. We want to hear what YOU thought of our 2024 release slate! To get involved, just fill out this poll (remember that you can only select one title per category!) […]

10 Defining Moments in Body Horror
Exploding guts, peeling faces and gross transformations that literally turn your stomach, it has to be ten defining moments in body horror films.

The A to Z of Australian Exploitation Film
From the deserted outback to killer crocs and dystopian futures to pairs of undies, we give you the A-Z of Australian Exploitation Films.