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“Hymen Holocaust!”: In Praise of the Post-Scream Slasher


“Hymen Holocaust!”: In Praise of the Post-Scream Slasher

On it's 1996 release, Scream changed the landscape for slashers with knowing audiences wanting more fresh twists on an established genre.

2023-04-28 14:00:40By Alexandra Heller-Nicholas

Top 10 Killer Female Movies of the 21st Century


Top 10 Killer Female Movies of the 21st Century

Less about seduction and more about ultraviolence, we look at 10 of the best examples of the modern femme fatale on film.

2022-09-06 15:04:37By Rich Johnson

Hope Dies at Conception: Hell High and other High School Horrors


Hope Dies at Conception: Hell High and other High School Horrors

80s slashers often showed us that there's one place the teenager should fear the most: high school.

2022-08-19 12:20:12By Heather Drain